Volume Convertor


Note: The decimal points have to be entered and will be shown with a dot (".")

Conversion tables
Metric Imperial  
1 cubic centimetre


0.0610 cubic inches
1 cubic decimetre = 0.0353 cubic feet
1 cubic metre


1.3080 cubic yards
1 litre


1.76 pints
1 hectolitre = 21.997 gallons

Imperial Metric
1 cubic inch (in3)


16.387 cubic centimetres
1 cubic foot (ft3)


0.0283 cubic metres
1 fluid ounce (fl oz)


28.413 millilitres
1 pint (pt)


0.5683 litres
1 gallon (gal)


4.5461 litres

US Measures Imperial  
1 fluid ounce (fl oz)


1.0408 UK fluid ounce
1 pint (pt)


0.8327 UK pints
1 gallon (gal)


0.8327 UK gallons

US Measures Metric
1 fluid ounce (fl oz)


29.574 millilitres
1 pint (pt)


0.4731 litres
1 gallon (gal)


3.7854 litres