Sports News


ABC Sports - bringing you the finest and most unique coverage in sports today - coverage by the fans.

ArmchairQB - about sports and the media that covers it! We analyze the games, announcers, pre-game shows, books, magazines, sports links, TV listings etc.

CBS SportsLine - news, scores, statistics, and fantasy games from SportsLine.

CNN/SI - up-to-the minute, comprehensive sports coverage.

Coach's Edge - sports media company for the entertainment and education of fans, athletes, and coaches.

DBC Sports Online

Do It Sports - Action begins with DIS! Comprehensive calendars, online registration, easily make and add your home page. - sports news, scores, fantasy games, chats, and much more from ESPN.

e-sports - scores, stats, news in real time. Use our new searchable index, exclusive feature stories, fan-mail. - provides European sports coverage with news, scores, statistics, teams, events, and games. In conjunction with the Eurosport TV channel.

FindLaw Sports

Fox Sports - source of local and regional sports programming throughout the country.

Girls Talk Sports - news forum with a female point of view. - custom news, message boards, and more.

InfoBeat: Sports Wrap

Interactive Internet Sports (IIS) - trivia, prediction contests, real-time bulletin board, and more.

Just Sports for Women - it's just about sports and it's just for women.

Los Angeles Times Sports - up-to-the-minute scores and more.

Mike Francesa's World Of Sports - Opinions, news, and views on major sports from radio personality Mike Francesa.

MSNBC Sports

Nando Times Sports Sports Server

NBC Sports

Pro Sports Xchange - network of beat writers offering exclusive daily information for fantasy players and hard core fans.

Real Fans Sports Network - network of team sports and specialty channel websites.

Servicios Interactivos Sportec - everything you want about sports in Spain.

SLAM! Sports - provides comprehensive sports news and scores, with an emphasis on Canada.

Space Man's SPORTS - the gateway to all of the Sports related sites in New Zealand.

Sporting Life - covers live UK news reports and results.

Sporting News, The - network of over 150 correspondents, real time chat rooms, fantasy league advice, and over 110 years of archived Sporting News history.


Sports Business News

Sports Celebrity Network - news, information and editorial content about the biggest star athletes in the world of sports.

Sports Central - news, rankings, highlights, and more.

Sports Fine and Suspension Ticker - watch the fines and suspensions pile up during the course of the year.

Sports Insider

Sports Network

Sports Sleuth - track your team's latest news and informatioin from hundreds of sources in one place.

Sports Weekly Journal - coverage and commentary.

Sportsfeed - offering up to date news, scores and more.

SportsJones - with articles and interviews.

SportsNote Weekly - hosted by 18 year Atlanta Falcon veteran Jeff Van Note. Features an IRC chat room, an online discussion forum, and weekly updates from Jeff.

SportsPage - editorials, news, stories and more.

SportsWeb - joint alliance between Reuters and Digital Equipment.

Stand-Up Sports - sports analysis of a humorous nature.

t@p Sports

Tap Sports - covers the latest in extreme, pro, and college sports.

Todays Sports - scores, news, standings, stats, schedules, trades, injuries, and more.

Total Sports - Canadian view of the world of sports. Includes commentary and polls.

USA Today Sports

Washington Post Sports

World Sport Center

XSlant Sports Network - coverage of the NFL, MLB, NHL, and NBA. Links to news, chats, message boards, and more


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